Garth Stein

Book Two

Garth Stein and acclaimed cartoonist Matthew Southworth team up again for the second book in this action-packed coming of age series about a mutant from the Pacific Northwest.

#1 New York Times bestseller
Translated into 40 languages

Now a major motion picture

Garth Stein Author10 months ago
I realized that of the 140 times I look at my phone a day (per whatever news report that was), 125 of those times are looking at the notifications to see whatever headlines or other stupid things I'm supposed to be notified about. And I thought, what if I just didn't get notified about things every two minutes? Would the world be different in some substantial way? So I turned off my notifications.

My phone. I don't know. It almost feels naked.

The background hum of my anxiety has dropped already.
Garth Stein Author10 months ago
I will be here tomorrow morning at 11:00 am. I will have some fun swag and some raffle tickets, so if you come on by, you may walk away a winner! Independent Bookstore Day!
Garth Stein Author10 months ago
May 2. First Thursday Art Walk. Traver Gallery. Preston and I will be there to discuss. Come on down! (I wrote the stories.)
Garth Stein Author10 months ago
I'm going to this event on April 27 to support my friends at the The Bushwick Book Club (Seattle). I invite you, my friends, to purchase a ticket and join me! I don't know what lawn bowling is (bowling with balls of sod?), but I've heard people say it's fun. You don't know till you try it!
Garth Stein Author10 months ago
Having been nearly run over by a dumb Rivian truck today, I'll say this world would be better if 1). people paid more attention to the road than their large coffee drinks, and 2). these, the stupidest of all cars, made noise. I lived across from the Hell's Angels in NYC. Loud Pipes Save Lives. Just saying.
Garth Stein Author11 months ago
To distract my mother from the shoulder she broke Friday evening, I gave her my "Raven 2.0" stories. These are stories I've written inspired by the artwork of We're having an opening for First Thursday Art Walk at

My mother is reading the stories while I'm cooking her dinner she can eat with her non-dominate hand, and she laughs out loud and stifles and looks at me and says, "It's not supposed to be funny is it?" And I say, "Yes, it's supposed to be funny." And she says, "Oh, good, because it's really funny!"